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- Kids are on Break guess who's comming in a few Hou...
- Needing some advice...............
- Uploading Videos
- One of those sick weekends when you don't feel lik...
- Long Day but baking called my name to the kids
- New Addiction Fried Pickles
- Review: Yelling:The Casualty, The Cure
- New Thoughts for my business
- Cookies and more Cookies
- One of those Sleepless Nights
- I am a Scout Mommy......I even cried.................
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I read another blog and she was disheartened by people not commenting on her posts. I feel your pain sometimes I wonder why don't peopl...
Well with my free gift cards I used them to get some school shoes for the kids and shoes and sandals for myself I looked all over where I co...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
New Years Resolutions.....................
Gosh such a hard one. I really need to get working on these running out of time. LOL.. I need to loose weight and keep it off. I need to not take things for granted. I am working on the list it's a work in progress.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Kids on break
Our schedules been off the last week and will continue because the kids miss their friends . They can't wait to go back to school. I made some homemade fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. We had green beans and carrots to go with it. They have enjoyed the time off. They don't want to stay home they want to go back to school. I remember the days... we always were pro school. Maybe we will have easy bake day tomorrow.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
We decided to stay home this morning and not go to church. I thought that it was not going to go on on a holiday. But I was wrong. We are celebrating with My MIL she's the best cook I know. I am still working on my cookbook. Can't wait to add my Grandma's recipes. I took a wonderful shower after we got done unwrapping our stuff. I am waiting to give my husband his presents in January. It's been kind of short this month. Hope you guys have a wonderful day and also make sure you realize that sooner than you know it New Years Eve.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Kids are on Break guess who's comming in a few Hours SANTA
Hi everyone I wanted to wish you a happy holiday! However you celebrate it weather it's Christmas or something else. I am more excited this Christmas than any other I have had. I think it's because there's no snow on the ground. I was worried that due to family traveling that if it snowed they wouldn't make it here. My cousin and her family are back home they moved to Wyoming last year because of her husbands schooling. They are both in the Military. So they also serve our country. They haven't been called out to war. They are blessed not to leave their young son. I am thankful my family's together. I am really happy that my dad is able to come home for the holiday's . He is a long haul truck driver and he works really hard and he's gone a lot. I really am glad that he can relax he works six days a week already. It's been cloudy and rainy here. I am really tired of the rain. My son is getting a cold so that's really sad. But hope that he will feel better with the medicine. My religious beliefs have really helped me the last few weeks. I have been praying a lot. Santa is comming to our house with his elves. They have a big program to help families. So they bring little trinkets to the children at my kids' school. Mind you we live in a small town with less than 2,000 people. Thank goodness for that although I would like some of those double coupon stores near me. Talk to you guys later.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Needing some advice...............
The other day the kids got their hair cuts done. The problem was my daughter had really long hair and she wanted it drastically shorter. She seen an advertisement on the wall and had to have that cut. At first I tried to talk her out of it. But she pleaded and I gave in. She liked it till we left.........than changed her mind to she hated it...... It's like layered and short in the back. Her cousin told her she looked like a boy (which she doesn't) and really it is cute if she wanted to scrunch it etc. The problem with the long hair was is she wasn't taking care of it. It would nap up together at night. and she wasn't taking care of it. So I was all for shorter hair. We are going to be getting some hair bands and hair clips to make it get better in the mean time. She also has mouse and hairspray to help style her hair . I think we will let it be a bob haircut. But I want her to have some pride in her appearance and I am not sure if she will if I constantly do everything for her. I know she needs some freedom of expression though so I encourage imaginary play and I want her to think on her own and not be a sheep either. My son wanted a mowhawk and I said NOPE!!! They look awful and they also just I just don't like them we settled for a little longer on top short sides and back so he looks so much better like this. He still is asking for camo stuff. I told him to wait until Christmas though and see what santa brings. He opened some of his Christmas presents early and got an awesome pair of binacculors. He also got some shirts and some airplaines he was in Heaven. Did I do the right thing in giving in to my daughter for her choice of haircut. Or should I have choosen for her.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Uploading Videos
So I have been working my little hind end off uploading the video. It downloaded 2 of the 4. I am really excited to tell you the truth. Because we are so rural our internet is slow. I can't believe it's already ten o'clock. The day has been going by pretty fast though I think I hope that I can get all of this stuff done by 5pm. I talked to the elder in my church this morning she makes me feel so human. I really like her advice because it comes from the heart. She is older and wiser than me. Not sure what we are having for dinner I was thinking about having some meatloaf or spagetti. Either one of those sounds so good. I may cook over at my MIL house because I have a lot of meat thawed out accidently thawed out 4 pounds. Didn't realize my husband had already thawed some meat out too. Opps mental note next time make sure that I do talk with him first and make sure he doesn't have it thawing in the fridge. Tomorrow is Dr. appointment for my son and my daughter has some girls scout meeting. This should be a blast. Then Wendsday is the kids Christmas parties I think I am going to make some cupcakes. The bad thing is about transfering them I don't know how to make frosting hard,
Sunday, December 18, 2011
One of those sick weekends when you don't feel like doing anything........
I decided to hop on here and blog ... I still feel really achy and so does my hubby. This wisdom tooth surgery is still giving him problems. Today our church donated Christmas food baskets to the needy. The men drove them out to people's houses. I thought it was really kind of them to do. We may be having dinner at my MIL tomorrow. I need to go there and activate her cell phone that I ordered. They made it so I can't do anything until Monday. I was pretty agitated last night when I drove all the way over there and called my cell company. They are always so cheerful... I just spend prob half an hour trying to make it work.. But afterwords it was ok she didn't mind waiting until tomorrow. The kids rented some movies my son's watching diary of a wimpy kid. He's never seen it. This weeks going to be really busy. My daughter has scout meeting this week. The kids also have their Christmas parties. I don't know all that's going to happen though. I have to go to the dr. myself and so does the hubs. I hope that this week goes by pretty well. I want to hopefully get the rest of the things done for Christmas and New Years . Wish me luck all. I have a big week ahead of me............
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Long Day but baking called my name to the kids
I really have felt down the last few days just achy all over. But for some last minute gifts I had to make some cookies and cupcakes for the kids. We are also gonna be making some homemade icing to go on top too. I even called the non emergency dr. hotline. They said if I can't deal with it than go to the er. I hate going there so I will try to hold on till Monday to see my dr. This week is the kids christmas parties at school. They are going to be plum full of cookies. My body aches my eyes hurt too. I think it's partially stress partially just being busy not taking my time. We've been really working on our boy scout badges. I need to get a girl scout book to find out what she needs to do. My son's just vegging out on the couch just trying to relax watching walker. It's one of his favorite shows. We try to limit the violence in this house. I just want them to grow up with healthy expectations. That's just me. My MIL gift of a new cellular phone came early it came today. I am glad she's happy to have reliable service. She was paying to much for the prepaid ones. I plan on making some new years resolutions in the next week. I hope that I can accomplish my goals. I think this will help out so much . I need to make two more blankets for the beds I am crocheting. The boy one will probally be the army colors. I have been buying the yarn at Wallmart. I am trying to do it cheap it sure costs a lot of money. I need to learn how to follow a pattern and sell my wares on etsy. Wish me luck. Still booking parties for the new year. Wish me luck
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
New Addiction Fried Pickles
So last night was my bday. We saw Arthur Christmas and The older one and the hubs saw Tower Heist!.We had supper at Hooters!!! Haven't been to the one here. I haven't been to any since I was a kid boy have they changed. It was much more upper class. Not trashy. I was glad. I really wanted something different for supper. I ordered fried pickles almost ate the whole plate......... No seriously they have a sauce too it was so dang good. I even got a new food I have never heard of or ever ate Chicken Philly and a whole plate of curly fries. They were fresh and tasty. I highly advise you guys to check them out!!. We also have been keeping busy with scouts and also my job too. I dropped off some clothes for my niece. How I wish my kids were small again. There was some cute outfits in there. But it was a wonderful day and I was glad I could spend it with my family.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Review: Yelling:The Casualty, The Cure
I was asked to review Yelling:The Casualty and The Cure it is an ebook written by Lorrie Flem. I wrote this review earlier I think I somehow erased it. So here it goes again. This book was really enlightening to me. I am one of those parents that used to yell when I was frustrated. It became bad enough that over time that my kids didn't even care if I raised my voice. I really think because that this was one of the reason's that I did is because I was raised like that. My mom yelled and yelled at my sister and me all the time. I wanted to rewrite this but I had such a busy time with sick kids and been so busy with scouts but I wanted you to know about what a wonderful book that it has taught me. I have prayed so much for a difference in my life and I appreciate Gabby Mom for giving me the opportunity.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
New Thoughts for my business
I read about another reps idea for hooking on her business card to a candy cane and giving it to everyone! Mail people cashiers delivery drivers etc. I didn't even think of that. I thought of plain suckers I was thinking about using dum dum's because they are cheap. But I didn't want my customers to think they are dumb. Am I over analyzing this a bit. Also I plan on making some flyers to post. I can make some up for sure. I really wanna get going. I am in love with their Make -Up. I am working on my portfolio and I still need some faces to add on to it. Cleaned house and husband went and returned some movies. I am not a big movie person but my husband is and we have been watching more movies than I used too. I bought some movies in the 5 buck bin at the Super Center. I got some new releases in there. My husband really likes the scary movies. I like the Romantic Comedies. Can't help it Love some romance. I have ordered some stuff I am bartering with other bloggers. I am also sending her some samples of some new products. She has really helped me out. I am sure someday I will go to wordpress but for now I am content here.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Cookies and more Cookies
We have been a cookie making machine over here. I love to bake and my kids have all helped me cook. I think that we will make another batch tonight. I also have some more decorating to do too. It's been a busy weekend . Our church had a cookie and clothing giveaway our first ever. I think that we have done marvelous we have a small church. 14 families made at least 4 dozen cookies and fudge and candy to share with everyone. I kind of made way tooo many cookies. I ate some cookies not good for my diet and I have gained a few pounds during this. I know everyone eats cookies and goodies but I think I ate too much these cookies we are going to keep some and donate some to the woman's shelter in our town. I have never donated something I made just what I bought. I also am looking for people to donate some lotion. I sell MK it's a ten dollar donation so that I can give to the nursing home and domestic violence and rape shelter this Feb. I have never taken on something this big and I can't afford to do it myself so I am asking you my readers to help me and donate lotion it comes with a pair of fuzzy socks you can do it private or I can send your note with your name included. I am also asking if your kids feel like drawing pictures or making a craft or a card I would love to share that too. So please consider helping more info to come feel free to comment or ask. I will gladly share any info you may ask of me.
Friday, December 2, 2011
One of those Sleepless Nights
Yawn........just kidding . I am slightly tired. Worried about my husbands appointment tomorrow worried what the Dr. will say. He's still having extreme pain from the wisdom teeth issues. I don't know hoping that it's just a dry socket but who knows really. I missed the church decorating tonight. I think I offended someone that I know multiple times because I am not cheery and happy go lucky all the time. They fake it they have this facade for everyone to see. I haven't known them a great deal but I am trying to be good to others and show good will. I just don't understand if it's not roses and chocolate why you should have to lie about things. I would rather be honest with my thoughts and opinions then to go on day in and out with living a lie. But it's not for me to judge. I also decided that when others spread gossip I should stop them mid step and tell them I don't care because really I don't. I hate how others go around doing it so why should I waste my precious time hearing about others made up stories. I think that came out harsh but seriously. That's how lies and insecurities start. Soon the house will be noisy and it's quiet listening to everyone sleep. I really wanted to tried to and I just can't so tonite which is really tomorrow hope I sleep really well.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I am a Scout Mommy......I even cried..................
No seriously..........I made the leap. I am not an official leader but my son is in Boy Scouts. His Den leader was an inspiration his son was so sweet to my son and me. I was really relieved that he wasn't nervous. Boy I sure was though. I am really hoping that we can start memorizing the pledge and also the stuff that makes them into good people. I didn't realize at first how much this is going to change my son's life!!!! He has role models and he see's all different kind of boys that are close in age to him. The Master Scout Leader made sure I was able to speak to him even though I was new with my many questions and it must have been slightly annoying. I mean I guess everyone has to be new sometime right. But they welcomed me with open arms. I needed that!! I was unsure which pack to pick. I wasn't sure which one was going to be the best so I went with my heart. I made the right choice. I can feel it. When I found out how much it cost for the uniform I was kinda worried to be honest. Right now but it was so relieving when he said he would work with me and take payments. It made it easier ...........I cried . ... I won't lie. I was worried how much it would cost. It's important to me that he gets his shirt... More will come with time. I am hoping that I can get that down the road. I am excited about the derby the badges everything. I wish I would have had the chance. I didn't when I was a child.. I wish I would have been in sports I wish I would have done so many things different but I am grateful to god that my kids can have these chances in life to grow and become strong people.
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